Wellness Coaching Program

Our Wellness Coaching Program includes personalized plans for better health and well-being, including: better sleep, better diet and nutrition, the use of the most effective vitamins and supplements, gut health, food shopping, non-toxic living, minimizing household chemical exposures that commonly damage the health of adults, children and pets. Your and your family’s health should come first!

I provide step-by-step guidance to help you obtain and maintain great quality sleep. We will carefully evaluate your sleep environment, bedding and pillow choices, evening and pre-sleep practices, sleep hygiene, and supplements that may promote better relaxation and calming of the mind to allow for deeper and more restorative sleep.

All around you, there are bright and fancy packages with big words like 'healthy', 'natural', and 'organic'. But how can you tell which ones are really good for you and which ones are not? It’s no wonder that this whole nutrition world can be so confusing, making it impossible for you to lose weight and keep it off. I also provide custom in-person or video grocery shopping with you to help you choose the best and healthiest products for you and your family.

Maybe you tried everything else and you are still not looking or feeling healthy, not knowing how to achieve your wellness goals? We have the natural solution to retrain your mind and your body, so that you can easily develop new eating and daily habits to boost your metabolism and gut health without prescription drugs or highly restrictive diets.

Think of your body as a special machine that needs the best fuel. But figuring out what that fuel is can be hard and especially finding what works best with your daily schedule, lifestyle and dietary needs. That's where I come in as your wellness coach to help you. We offer you a natural solution to retrain your mind, develop new eating and daily habits to boost gut health.

Together, we will look deeper than just counting calories or trying to follow popular diets. We will find out what your body needs, we will help you significantly reduce or eliminate your food allergies or intolerances, while improving your gut health and energy levels. You will be able to stop bad eating habits, overeating and food addictions, you will lose weight quickly and most importantly, you will be able to keep it off. We will come up with a plan that is just right for you.

Our approach addresses both the psychological and dietary aspects of your health and well-being, eliminating emotional food triggers and establish new comprehensive health habits that quickly support all your wellness goals.

Think of me as a friend you can trust on this journey. I will be with you every step of the way, helping you understand confusing labels and make sense of food trends. And I promise, there's nothing like the feeling of knowing you're making good choices for you and your family’s health.

But remember, this isn't about following strict rules or not letting you eat foods you love. It's about learning to love food in a way that's also good for you. With my personalized wellness coaching, you are not just changing what you eat – you are choosing a happier, healthier way of life.

So, are you ready to change how you feel about food? To make eating a celebration of life and health?

I'm here, ready to start this exciting journey with you! Your body deserves the best.

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person. We guarantee the very best service using current information and appropriate wellness coaching techniques for your situation. The Wellness Coaching Program is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but rather it is intended to provide information, insight, education, and motivation that will help you to live to your best potential and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself. These videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional counseling, medical diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. Comments of guests and clients may not represent the views of Leticia Oliveira or Easy Way to Live Well LLC. Always seek a professional medical advice for physical or mental health symptoms.

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